Thursday, January 24, 2013


My expectations for the course are to just learn more about the environment in Southwest Florida. I am originally from Kentucky and only moved down to Fort Myers 18 months ago because of a job opportunity for my family. So I am new to the environment in Florida. Let me tell you, it is completely different than the environment in Kentucky! So I can’t wait to learn more about what surrounds me everyday.  

To me sustainability is the ability to live off what the environment and the places around us provide. It means we should be able to support ourselves through where we live, where ever that be in the world. The term sustainability relates to my chosen field of study for undergraduate work of Community Health. With a Community Health degree, you are focusing on improving how people do things in the community to make the place they are living better. So as a Community Health educator, you could teach people to live off the land and why it is important to be able to live in a clean sustainable environment. You could also educate them how pollution ruins the environment and decreases its sustainability. Some of my behaviors that are not sustainable are not reusing water bottles, not turning off lights when I am not in the room, and not unplugging electronic equipment when its not in use.

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