Monday, April 22, 2013


I do not believe that energy is too expensive. Think about where you live and your
family members. I bet you could think of one area where you are wasting some kind of energy, whether it is water, electricity, or gas.  If energy were too expensive, people would not be wasting it.

Conservation is not a dirty word. As humans, we need to better understand what it means to conserve our resources. The more we conserve, the longer it will last us. But since we don’t fully understand what conservation means, we continue to waste.
I think it is awesome how our President was showing the United States how to be conservative by wearing a cardigan and turning off the heat. We need people to see leaders be conservative and then the pack will follow. It seems a lot of people are afraid to do something different. In this case, it is living conservatively.

I would like if the government could curb the amount of fossil fuels the United States
uses on a daily basis. We need to make a drastic change and focus on renewable energy, such as wind and solar energy. This could significantly lower our energy consumption in the future.

I can definitely take steps to reduce my energy footprint tomorrow and within the next five years. I can open my windows instead of using the air conditioning on a nice spring day and I can make sure I unplug appliances before leaving. As for the next five years, I can start walking and biking to places less than a couple miles from my house. If the location is too far to bike, I could car pool with a friend going in the same direction.

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