Monday, April 22, 2013

Estero Island Cottage and Matanza Pass

I thought Estero Island Cottage and the Matanzas Pass was awesome. I didn’t see as much wildlife as I hoped to. But it was neat to see how much land was preserved so close the hustle and bustle of the beach life. I saw a couple different bird and fish in the mangroves. It was eerily quiet through the entire tour. I heard a couple birds chirping but nothing too loud.

The local quality of life is being enhanced with a place such as the Estero Island Cottage and the Matanzas Pass. Locals and tourist are able to visit places like this and educate themselves on the history of Estero Island and the environment they live in.

My hometown has developed a lot since I was a child. I grew up in a small town in Kentucky most of my childhood. That neighborhood now has a ton more houses and
there is a lot more stores and restaurants available to eat at. When I go home, I still feel a sense of community. Neighbors are willing to do anything to help each other and everyone is friendly. I miss that when I moved down to Fort Myers.

If a developer offered me 300% the market value of my childhood home to develop it into condos, I would deny the offer. Building the area I grew up into condos would take away the community small town feeling and make it seem more fast pace.  I would also deny the counties offer of purchasing the land under the 20/20 program, for 80% of its value. I love where I grew up and wouldn’t want to change the small town relaxed feeling you get when you visit there.


I did not fare very well. My ecofootprint is 4.1 earths.  I do a lot of driving, traveling, and live in a big house. I have to drive a lot to work and school. I am a commuter student who also works every day. So I go from home to work to school back to home. That is a lot of driving a day. But it is hard to carpool with anyone because of my crazy schedule. I could modify my lifestyle by taking a local vacation instead of flying.
I try to visit Kentucky twice a year. So that is a lot of flying. If I cut down on the flying, my ecofootprint would decrease. In addition, eating less animal based foods, my family could decrease our ecofootprint to 3.9 earths. The quiz did not display the maximum population that earth could sustain if everyone lived like me. But because of this quiz, I definitely will be changing how I use energy.

Sustainable Consumerism

According to Oslo Symposium, the working definition of sustainable consumerism is “the use of services and related products which respond to basic needs and bring a better quality of life while minimizing the use of natural resources and toxic materials as well as emissions of waste and pollutants over the life cycle of the service or product so as not to jeopardize the needs of future generations.” Globalization and capitalism can be seen as both a positive and negative driver in this phenomenon. It’s negative because people are wanting to always try to get more for their dollar. They will not necessarily consider purchasing what is considered more sustainable. But it is positive because it drives businesses to find new creative ways to be sell more sustainable products and services. The consumer might be able to purchase a more sustainable product brought in from some other location because of globalization.

Green washing is when companies trick consumers into believing their products are healthier by using false advertising. I would be willing to pay a premium for some
foods labeled “organic”, “local”, and “fair-trade”.  I try to buy organic foods when I eat the entire food. For example, I would buy organic blueberries because you eat the
entire blueberry. But I would not buy organic oranges because you peal the peel off. I like visiting mom and pop stores when I am close to them. But usually I just visit Gulf Coast Town Center. I can’t justify wasting gas to drive further to a store that sells products that are a little bit better than what you find at Gulf Coast. If everyone has this same mindset, the ramifications are that the mom and pop stores will eventually go out of business.

Downtown Fort Myers

The word downtown evokes a couple different thoughts. First, I think of tall buildings that are really close together. It reminds me of where I lived a couple years as a child in Kentucky. And finally it reminds me of a place where people come to walk around and enjoy themselves. Overtime, the view of downtown has changed. It used to be
thought of as crime-ridden area. Now it seems more and more people are moving downtown and it is becoming more urban and built up.

Downtown Fort Myers is experiencing something of a
renaissance. They are in the process of renovating buildings while keeping the historical look of the buildings.  The city is putting up more restaurants and activities around town. There is also a lot more color and creativity found throughout downtown that makes it unlike anything else you can see in Fort Myers. There are many prominent architectural features. The engineers are using the neo-classical style of rebuild many of the buildings. But I would say that the Patio de Leon is more Mediterranean based. 
The city is rekindling the pedestrian spirit by having many different events downtown and adding new things to see. Downtown has Art walk and Music walk
every month. They also just opened the new park by the waterfront. It's a beautiful place to go and just relax. Events and places like this definitely get people out of their house and into the city.

While walking through the city, you can also see the history that once was there. You can see the Olympians Museum and monuments dedicated to important people in
history that lived in Fort Myers. The best part is you can see many different plaques all throughout downtown of the history that once was there.

The economy of Downtown Fort Myers has evolved also. It used to be a underdeveloped city. Presently, it is growing at a fast rate. The city is continually adding new places and renovating old ones to see in downtown. This relates to sustainability because they are refurbishing old historic buildings instead of adding so many new ones.


I do not believe that energy is too expensive. Think about where you live and your
family members. I bet you could think of one area where you are wasting some kind of energy, whether it is water, electricity, or gas.  If energy were too expensive, people would not be wasting it.

Conservation is not a dirty word. As humans, we need to better understand what it means to conserve our resources. The more we conserve, the longer it will last us. But since we don’t fully understand what conservation means, we continue to waste.
I think it is awesome how our President was showing the United States how to be conservative by wearing a cardigan and turning off the heat. We need people to see leaders be conservative and then the pack will follow. It seems a lot of people are afraid to do something different. In this case, it is living conservatively.

I would like if the government could curb the amount of fossil fuels the United States
uses on a daily basis. We need to make a drastic change and focus on renewable energy, such as wind and solar energy. This could significantly lower our energy consumption in the future.

I can definitely take steps to reduce my energy footprint tomorrow and within the next five years. I can open my windows instead of using the air conditioning on a nice spring day and I can make sure I unplug appliances before leaving. As for the next five years, I can start walking and biking to places less than a couple miles from my house. If the location is too far to bike, I could car pool with a friend going in the same direction.

Climate Change

The media has struck fear into the public with the words of climate change and global warming. But I do not think it is all our faults. I would say climate change is a fault of both manmade and natural reasons.  

We, as humans, are constantly doing things that give off greenhouse gases that hurt the ozone layer and in return cause global warming. But naturally, our planet goes through different cycles to stay in equilibrium. So certainly, the temperature is going to change as the earth adapts to the changes that happen. There is nothing we can do to change the cycles.

The best way to get your information on climate change is to do a lot of research yourself. If you read different articles, they could say conflicting facts that are backed up by research. So how do you know whom to believe? That's the reason you should research the numbers yourself and come up with your own conclusion based on the logic of your research.

The media tries to scare people about climate changes and places the blame on mans shoulders. I would say its mostly a way to get more money. If they scare people on this, people are going to be more likely to watch more the news to try to figure out how to fix it.

I try to alter my lifestyle because some of climate change is manmade. I want my kids and grandkids to have the best possible life, so I will do my part in protecting the environment.

Eucalyptus Trees

The positive and negative effects need to first be evaluated if ArborGen wished to plant a genetically modified eucalyptus tree in Southwest Florida.  The eucalyptus tree is known for growing quickly and for producing a quick profit for those who sell it. The benefits of planting a genetically modified eucalyptus tree are the many uses of the tree medicinally, such as being used for a relaxant and an antiseptic. But intrinsically, the concern about how the tree will function is being that it is genetically modified. Extrinsically speaking, we would need to worry about the water consumption of the tree. The tree has shallow roots and uses a lot of water. We would have to be worried when hurricane season happened with these trees. The roots might not hold up in the strong wind. We
would also have to worry about how fast the eucalyptus tree reproduces. The tree is able to take over forests. In California, they took over forest and posed as a forest fire
threat when doing through a drought.  Lastly, we would have to watch out for
Cryptococcus Gattii, a deadly pathogen that can kill humans and wildlife. In order to mitigate these risk, ArborGen would have to find a hug piece of land where a greenhouse could be put up to watch how the land changes as a result of the eucalyptus trees growing. But this would cost a lot of money and manpower. I do not think that the benefits of the tree outweigh the many risks.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Picture of ECHO Main Building with Fighting Hunger logo

This past week I had the opportunity to take a tour at ECHO. ECHO is a non-profit inter-denominational Christian organization that stands for Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization. It is located in North Fort Myers. ECHO is "dedicated to fighting world hunger through innovative options, agricultural training, and networking with community leaders and missionaries in developing countries."

I really enjoyed going to ECHO and learning what it does and what it has to offer. It was really awesome to see the different climates they have around their garden and what is actually growing in them. The tour guide, Jane, was able to point out different plants spread around the garden and explain what they were used for. The most interesting story I heard all day was about the Moringa tree. She told us how in underdeveloped nations, children were dying from being malnourished until someone explained to them that they could eat the Moringa leaves. It contains more vitamins and protein than a lot of other foods that people would normally consume. It contains seven times the vitamin C of oranges, four times the vitamin A of Carrots, four times the calcium of milk, three times the potassium of bananas, and two times the protein of yogurt.  The happy/sad part of the story was that this tree is found in a lot of places where these children were dying. Because of this plant, many children were saved and are healthy today. Had it been discovered sooner though, they would have been able to save more children. It's so crazy to think that the plants we walk by daily could cure diseases and save the lives of children.

The  American agriculture seems to be more advanced than the agricultural techniques that ECHO is teaching to the poorer countries. But in America, we have a lot more resources available to grow a lot of different things. Also the farmers growing the food typically have more money and are able to afford the machinery or whatever technology that is required to grow healthy plants.  In the poorer countries it's hard for the farmers to afford the tractors or plows or watering systems that American farmers can more easily afford.

The work of ECHO is very appropriate to developing countries because the ECHO staff and interns are showing these countries how to use what they have and how to turn it into something useful. ECHO teaches them how to conserve their water, how to do urban gardening, and how to cook with just the use of recycled barrels. ECHO teaches the developing countries to use whatever resources they have in ways that would benefit them for a longer time.

Appropriate technology is using the tools and resources that are available to complete the tasks that need to be done. Appropriate technology is different for every situation. It would not make sense to teach someone to use a tractor or a plow if they would never be able to afford such machinery.

Although I really admire the work that ECHO does, I wouldn't be interested in doing my service learning with them because the hours that they are open do not work with my schedule as compared to my selected service learning site. The location of ECHO is also far away from my house. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sustainable Farming

Sustainable farming is a type of farming that harms the environment as little as possible while producing the most crops as possible. The main element in sustainable farming is the focus being on the environment and how to be resourceful in that area. In a sustainable farm, there should be a goal to re-use whatever is possible and try decrease the amount of waste and trash leaving the farm. A farmer can use the manure from the farm animals to then fertilize and make rich soil.


I personally try to buy organically whenever possible. More specifically, I try to shop for locally grown organic fruit and vegetables. I feel that it is worth the extra money to help stay healthy. I do feel connected to the food system because I do search out local farmers markets and shop organically because I do want to know and care about where my food was growing before eating it. (Side note: JetBlue stadium has a farmers market on Mondays starting at 3!).

If there was a space on campus, I would love to grow my own fruits and vegetables. In Kentucky, we had a pretty big garden with various herbs and vegetables that were fresh and made the food taste great! It was awesome to go outside and just grab whatever we needed for the meal and know exactly where it came from. Down in Florida, my family has a really small garden with only a few herbs and a tomato plant. We don't have the luxury of just going out and getting whatever. But if FGCU had the land I would love to grow my own fruits and vegetables.

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Fashion Landfills 1
I think one of the most pressing global issues today is landfills and lack of recycling. Landfills not only smell and take up a lot of room, they ruin the environment. Trash sits in the landfills for years upon years because the trash is not easily decomposable. When they do start decomposing, they let off a terrible gas, methane. With many different items decomposing together, the mixture of the gases the put off can be very toxic to the air we are breathing. Also the run off from the landfills fall right into our lakes and streams which then pollute that ecosystem and environment.

If Rockefeller Foundation gave me $100 billion to address the landfills, I would make sure every public place and home had a recycling bin. I would also put on a commercial or class teaching people the harmful affects of the landfills and the benefits of recycling. I would consider giving a "reward" for recycling. I would probably want to partition the money among many different issues. Landfills are a big issue in the environment. But some of the other problems need money to help improve the environment as a whole.

Corkscrew Tour

As I researched the next field trip for class, I was not really looking forward to driving over an hour away to view Corkscrew Sanctuary. But my mind was quickly changed as soon as my brother and I started walking on the boardwalk.  It was completely different than anything around where I live. Nature just seemed to be at peace there. Animals and plants are just allowed to go about living in their natural environment. Walking through the fireproof boardwalk, my little brother and I were able to explore a couple different ecosystems. Not only were were able to see many animal and plant ecosystems, we saw wet prairies, swamps, and freshwater marshes.

Conservation and stewardship refers to peoples ability and actions to keep our environment safe and clean.  This involves the process of managing the land and water that surrounds us so others can enjoy it when we are gone.  Private non-profit companies play a huge role in the conservation and stewardship endeavors. A great example of this is the Audubon Society. They saw the growing number of visitors coming to the Corkscrew Sanctuary and wanted to be more accommodating to the visitors. Through many trials, John Todd's Living Machine was finally selected to be used as the restroom design that proved to be environmentally friendly. The John Todd's Living Machine is also an example of how like minded people can affect change. Although it took the government a while to approve it, people had a vision of a better Sanctuary and wanted to provide environmentally friendly bathrooms. So by the like minded people pushing for what they believed in, they were able to finally get approved for the bathrooms.

There was a lot of motivation to preserve the land that the Sanctuary is on in Southwest Florida. Many people fought for the land to remain as it is today because they wanted to see nature and not ruin what little we have left. In my opinion, the government should not have as much power as they do over the environment. They should be responsible for the safety regulations and laws that go into building and construction. But I do not believe they should be able to halt projects for months on end because they are taking too long to figure things out. There should be a way for the projects to be passed through the government faster. Ecologically it would not be a smart move to just bulldoze and build condos. The environment is already hurting and getting destroyed. We need to save what we have left.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


After walking through the Florida Gulf Coast University campus, I can clearly see that they are following their “eco-empowerment” mission.  Just driving up to the campus, you get your first site of how they are following through with their mission. You first see the big solar panels that help cut down on electrical cost. Then walking through campus, you can see all the ways that Florida Gulf Coast University is sticking with their mission. They use large compartments on top of the air conditioners to freeze water to use to cool building during the day instead of using electricity. You also see walking trails and boardwalks that are there to help maintain the natural environment. They also have bike racks to promote bike riding rather than driving and recycling cans throughout campus to encourage recycling. 
Transferring from a Northern Kentucky University 3 semesters ago might predispose me to this certain viewpoint.  My old university was not environmentally focused at all. The surrounding environment was not taken into consideration while construction was happening and they were not visibly doing much to help the environment that students could see. So coming down to FGCU was a big change. I love just walking around campus to see the beauty of campus and the environment. Coming from a school that did not focus on the environment to FGCU, I think I am more predisposed to see the different acts the school is taking to be environmentally friendly because they are new to me.


My expectations for the course are to just learn more about the environment in Southwest Florida. I am originally from Kentucky and only moved down to Fort Myers 18 months ago because of a job opportunity for my family. So I am new to the environment in Florida. Let me tell you, it is completely different than the environment in Kentucky! So I can’t wait to learn more about what surrounds me everyday.  

To me sustainability is the ability to live off what the environment and the places around us provide. It means we should be able to support ourselves through where we live, where ever that be in the world. The term sustainability relates to my chosen field of study for undergraduate work of Community Health. With a Community Health degree, you are focusing on improving how people do things in the community to make the place they are living better. So as a Community Health educator, you could teach people to live off the land and why it is important to be able to live in a clean sustainable environment. You could also educate them how pollution ruins the environment and decreases its sustainability. Some of my behaviors that are not sustainable are not reusing water bottles, not turning off lights when I am not in the room, and not unplugging electronic equipment when its not in use.